Tuesday, 6 April 2010

White cheese melody

I had to get milk today. While I was at the supermarket, I noticed that there was a special price for a box of  white cheese...25p !!!! For 250g , even though the label stated 200g. It was a great bargain.
So if you liked my Pascha, you had a chance to get another two boxes for 50p. And today (after Easter) a box of 15 eggs was available (surprise, surprise) for £1.46 instead of £2.5 Amazing, how a couple of days make a difference!

If you had some white left over from your baking for Easter, you can use it for lunch in a quick recipe:

dice half an onion, fry it a bit on the pan, add some white leftover. Stir well. Sprinkle some black pepper on top. Serve with toast.

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